Sunday, April 27, 2008
Summer Vacation is Almost Here!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
...So it took a little longer than expected to update. Anyway, the pictures of Evelyn pretty much speak for themselves- she gets cuter by the day. She is also very talented insofar as a 2 month old baby can be. She can track with her eyes very well at all distances, lift herself up on her hands, jabber, interact, and almost roll over. She has adopted a love for being outside and we take her on walks regularly. Hopefully, this attribute of her personality sticks around.
I spent the weekend in Columbus at the ODA Leadership Institute. For those who are interested, here are the details...
A while ago the school announced that they were starting a pilot leadership program to help develop leaders in the dental field. One day they announced that the orientation would take place over the lunch break and that food would be provided. I had not brought a lunch to school that day, and I was a little curious, so I thought I might as well see what it was about. That is pretty much how I got sucked in.
Once in, I had a great experience! There were regular meetings where students in the program (about 30 in all) learned leadership skills such as public speaking and how to leave positive and negative feedback. Also, there were guest speakers that were in leadership positions who came and shared there experiences with us and gave us advice on how to avoid some of the pitfalls they had fallen into. There was also a lot of food- not just pizza, but catered meals and outings to nice restaurants.
As a capstone experience, about 15 students in the group went to the Ohio Dental Association Leadership Institute in Columbus, where we got to sit with the leaders of dentistry and see them discuss the issues that are pertinent to the profession. Going down there helped me to realize that we don't have to just sit around and let others make decisions for us, but that through effective leadership we can bring about change for the better.
Anyway, it was a lot of fun- They are planning on doing the program again next year and I would highly reccomend it to those who have the opportunity to participate.
Every once in a while we are driving down the road and we see a tree in full bloom that just takes our breath away. Well, at the local cemetary (Lakeview- actually a historic cemetary) nearly every tree is of this type. They also plant tons of flowers in the spring time, and have an event known ad Daffodil Sunday. Here we are on this day- lots of beautiful trees and a hillside with over 100,000 daffodils. Spring time has definately come to Cleveland. It is so beautiful!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Smiles and Giggles
So, without any further ado, we'll get to the pictures:
This picture is to demonstrate the beautiful weather we've been having. We go on walks regularly, and they finally put the nets up at the tennis courts on our block. We even used some of our gift card money (from the baby shower) to buy a small, portable stroller which stays in the car, making it easier than ever to take Evelyn with us.
Let the grilling season begin! We are loving our little portable grill- we can take it anywhere, or we can have a good back-yard barbecue as seen in the picture.
On Saturday we went to the Geauga county maple festival after a pancake breakfast at IHOP. They had a parade and a fairgrounds with rides and booths. Here's Rachel eating some delicious apple dumplings with pure maple syrup. Yum!
About two months ago I had purchased a new (used) bike because the other one was stolen. Well, this week that new bike was stolen too- out of our garage. I guess I am learning the hard way that in Cleveland you either lock it or lose it. Let this be a warning to anyone who lives in the area. Anyway, it gave me a good excuse to get another new (used) bike- this time a Trek. We decided that the gas money we save by having me ride is worth the expense. It's a nice bike and I'm excited about it.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Our Spring Break
So, we started out the week by going to the Zoo on Monday. We saw a lot of animals (go figure), including polar bears, tigers, lions, and seals. Or favorites were the tigers and polar bears. The bears were very active and roaring at each other, and we got some good pictures, but unfortunately we lost our camera.
This was sort of a good thing, because we have needed a new camera for some time now, and losing our other one actually got us to go out and buy a much nicer camera. We found one that can take hours of high quality video besides still shots, which will make it that much easier to document our lives.
On Tuesday I did a pretty good job of convincing Rachel that our car had been stolen for April Fool's Day. It was made even better by the fact that our neighborhood is trying yo start up a neighborhood watch because of burglaries in the area.
This week we also went to Quail Hollow State Park and grilled hamburgers and went hiking. That night they had a bluegrass/country music gathering that was fun to go to. It was sort of like a big jam session for local musicians, and some of them were pretty talented. You could tell that they were having fun, and that in turn made it fun for everyone who was listening.
On Friday we went to the NASA museum here in Cleveland. We each got a turn trying to land a space ship. Rachel did great- she could be an astronaut. I, on the other hand, should never be allowed to go near a functional space craft. It was also cool to see some of the technological advances we can expect in the near future. Our favorite was the new airplane that can take off vertically without any propellers. The name of the plane is STOVL that stands for short take off vertical landing (the footage of the aircraft showed a vertical take off as well as a short take off). Here's a link to a video demonstrating this airplane (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIsIzjVi7j4). NASA is also working on airplanes that are practically silent. That will be a wonderful advance for people that live near airports. That afternoon we went to the Aurora outlets. Rachel and I really enjoy walking around the outlets and 'browsing.'
Rachel started to work again this week. She had two jobs and her calendar is filling up. She has a wonderful job that does not take a lot of time, but she loves doing. Her job allows her to get out and do something she really enjoys without taking a lot of time away from her favorite job... being a mom.
Here are pictures of the week:
These were taken at the NASA museum. The top one is me standing next to a real space entry pod thing. On the bottom, we see Rachel as she skillfully lands a space shuttle on the moon.
This is our first attempt at putting a video on here. Rachel took this of me and Evelyn while we were at Quail Hollow.